
The tachinid recording scheme is run by volunteers but we have been supported in our efforts by the generosity of the following organisations:

Natural England / Defra

In March 2012 we were successful in our application for a little over £4000 in funding from the Fund for biological recording in the voluntary sector. For a while the government has been concerned to improve biological recording capacity and this fund is part of their response to this issue. The money has been provided through Defra, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and is being administered by Natural England.

Our project is to buy a new Leica S8APO microscope, which will be used to produce high-resolution, high-magnification images of the tachinid body parts that are important for identification. These photos will be used in a series of online articles that will help to dispel some of the myths associated with the identification and study of tachinids. We will also use the microscope at workshops, to demonstrate some of the finer points of tachinid identification and some of the best-practice techniques that we have picked up for mounting and pinning specimens.

The Biological Records Centre (BRC) very kindy gave us advice on how to formulate our bid. The BRC is supported by the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

OPAL / Big Lottery Fund

In 2010 we were successful in applying for £2000 in funding to rehouse the recording schemes reference collection in new museum-grade cabinets. The project was funded by Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) who were distributing funds made available by the Big Lottery Fund.

The Amateur Entomologist’s Society (AES) helped us by supporting our bid throughout the process.

The Amateur Entomologist’s Society


We are affiliated to and supported by the The National Biodiversity Network and all our records are updated to their database on a regular basis.

We are also members of the British Entomological & Natural History Society (BENHS) and Dipterist’s Forum:

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