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We are always after sightings of tachinids so that we can learn more about their distributions. The best way to log & store all of your identified biological records, whether they are tachinids or birds or flowers, is the free, online, iRecord system. Just register here:

Send us a message or ask a question:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

    Upload a picture or file of records (optional):

    (2MB max, allowed file types: JPG, XLS, CSV, TXT & ZIP)

    If you send us records or photos remember to include: your name, the date you saw the fly, the name and map reference of the locality and any other information that you feel might be useful, such as habitat. ZIP multiple files together and if the file size exceeds 2MB then just get in touch for our email address to send them to us directly.

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